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Healthy food effortless - Small guide to eat well


 A healthy diet is the basis of a healthy life: by eating well, you improve your physical condition and your general well-being, while providing your body what it needs. The choice to eat well also helps prevent a large number of diseases. As each person is different and organisms all have different nutritional needs, there is no universal recommendation concerning healthy food. However, we gathered 10 tips that will help you adopt a healthier diet daily.

Healthy food effortless - Small guide to eat well

What is healthy food?

Eating well allows you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Choosing your diet with care will not only improve your physical but also your mental health. A healthy diet is based on the needs of your own body - in this sense, eating well is personal. Even if there cannot be a program common to everyone, we have some basic advice to always take care to have a healthy diet.

Healthy food and weight loss

Whether it is weight loss or mass gain, a good diet is the B-A.BA of the success of your goal. In the end, for these two objectives, the caloric assessment counts. Without caloric deficit, no weight loss, and without calorie surplus, no mass gain. To find out where you are of your calorie needs, calculate them thanks to our calorie calculator. As part of weight loss, we still recommend a moderate calorie deficit, between 300 to 500 kcal maximum.

By following a balanced diet, you allow your body to stay in a calorie deficit and have all the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Before changing your diet, we recommend that you do our free body check. Define your objectives, calculate your BRI, and get personalized expert advice for your diet and your training. The ideal base for your new nutritional program!

Healthy food: our 10 tips for eating well

As the PNNS recommends, having a healthy and balanced diet is essential for your health1. Yes but here it is, it is not easy every day! Here are 10 easy tips to be sure you always have a healthy diet.

Advice n ° 1: exploit food diversity

No food alone contains all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Our diet must therefore be varied to best meet the needs of the body. The ideal would be to combine foods with low energy value with high nutritional food, such as vegetables with cereals.

Benefits of vegetable foods:

  • No cholesterol
  • Strong fiber content
  • Provide minerals, vitamins, and secondary vegetable substances
Disadvantages of animal foods:

  • Rich in cholesterol
  • The high content of saturated fatty acids
  • Contain purines

This is why it is advisable to turn essentially to plant foods. As part of a healthy diet, animal foods should only represent a relatively low part of your food program. Fat, oils, oils, and other fatty or sweet foods should only be consumed sparingly.

A healthy breakfast is enough to start the day full of energy!

Do you know the expression: "Eat like a king in the morning"? She does not come out of nowhere! It’s important to have a healthy breakfast to start the day with enough energy. If you want to stay in shape, the first meal of the day is decisive.

For your morning protein boost, we recommend our organic protein muesli. The soy flakes give you the energy your muscles need. Nuts, seeds, and other bays take care of the taste experience.

Advice n ° 2: eat natural and not transformed products as often as possible

To eat healthy, you should consume a minimum of processed foods. Favor fresh products when you do your shopping.

Healthy alternatives to processed foods:

  • Dried fruits instead of candies
  • Cooked dishes based on fresh products instead of prepared dishes
  • Juice pressed instead of supermarket juices with a high sugar content

When you prepare your own meals from fresh and unprocessed ingredients, you control their content. The less they will be prepared industrially, the better they will be for your health. And you will be very proud to eat what you will have taken the time to cook!

A protein delight: 30 g of protein per 100 g of peanut butter

It is more frequently necessary to use unprocessed products, for example, organic peanut butter without additives. Our peanut butter is even better spread on our protein bread, with banana pieces on it. We love ! There are other delicious spreads in addition to peanut butter!

Advice n ° 3: cereals and potatoes bring many nutrients

Cereal products and potatoes are rich in vitamins, and complex and mineral carbohydrates. Among the cereal products, the emphasis must be placed on the whole cereals which have the highest content of healthy substances. The rye and the spelled are to be preferred.

Complete products contain a large part of fibers, at least 30 g of which are necessary for our organization daily. Full cereals should be consumed several times a day, if possible combined with low-fat ingredients.

For people intolerant to gluten, corn, millet, and buckwheat are interesting alternatives. Current cereals such as wheat, rye, and spelled have a high gluten content.

Advice n ° 4: 5 fruits and vegetables per day!

To eat well, it is necessary to eat three portions of vegetables every day and two portions of fruit. Fruits and vegetables are full of essential vitamins and phytochemical agents, also called secondary metabolites of plants. To keep their advantages, these foods should be consumed fresh or cooked only very briefly.

Fruits and vegetables can complete a healthy diet as the main dishes are accompanied. They can be easily integrated into the food program in the form of a snack. Vitamins B2, B6, and B12 play an important role in your physical and mental well-being. Discover in our article the benefits of vitamin B12 and why it is very important in a vegetarian or vegan diet! If you cannot get enough vitamins thanks to a good diet, consult your nutritionist or your physical trainer who will recommend the necessary supplements.

Our advice: try to consume a handful of fruits or vegetables with each meal. Eat mueslis in the morning accompanied by an apple or prepare take-out raw vegetables for the day. Homemade juices and smoothies also represent a delicious alternative.

Daily Vitamins - an essential vitamin intake coming directly from fruits and vegetables

If you do not manage to consume the recommended daily dose of fruits and vegetables, we recommend our Daily Vitamins which bring to your organism all the vitamins it needs.

Advice n ° 5: Products of animal origin & dairy products in adequate quantities

Animal products should in principle be consumed in smaller quantities than those of plant origin. However, they should not be entirely missing in a healthy diet because they bring essential minerals such as calcium and iron and high-quality proteins.

It is for the same reason that milk and dairy products should also be integrated into food to eat well.

Meat, cold meats, and eggs should be consumed moderately, due to their high lipid, purine, and cholesterol content. Due to its beneficial fatty acids, the fish should appear once or twice in the menu of the week.

Animal products that can complement a healthy diet:

  • Skimmed milk and dairy products
  • Fish
  • Lean meat (poultry, for example)
Animal products to be only used occasionally:

  • Grasse charcuterie (Salami, for example)
  • Grasse meat (pork, for example)
  • Bacon
For all animal products, it is advisable to favor products with low-fat content.

If you are vegan or vegetarian: you have completely or partially given up eating products of animal origin, but wish to bring to your body enough protein? In this case, our vegetable protein could be an ideal food supplement! 100 % vegetable, 100 % protein.

Advice n ° 6: Choose good fats

Fats provide a lot of energy and promote overweight and cardiovascular disease. It is therefore particularly important, in the context of a healthy diet, to choose the right fats.

Vegetable fats and oils are preferred. They provide polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself.

On the other hand, trans fatty acids should be avoided. Due to their specific chemical composition, they negatively influence the level of blood lipids and are responsible for heart disease. They find themselves mainly in fried foods and in many prepared dishes.

Also, beware of "hidden" fats: 

candies, cakes, and other products often conceal more than we think. Fat food promoting a healthy diet is for example avocados, nuts, and fish.

If you cannot consume enough good fats in your diet, we recommend our Omega 3 capsules. They are ideal for everyday life and for sport.

Advice n ° 7: Do not fall into the sugar trap

Sugar as well as sugary foods and drinks should only be consumed in moderation. Sugar brings "empty" calories because it contains only a few nutrients. In addition, sugar induces strong fluctuations in blood sugar, which can promote small appetites.

Swearing and Steviol glycoside represent a good sugar replacement solution in the context of a healthy diet. Steviol's glycoside, a purified extract from Stevia rebaudiana, does not bring any calories.

Advice n ° 8: Ensure sufficient hydration

Sufficient hydration is essential for health and for a healthy diet. You should drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of liquids each day.

The needs of the liquid body increase significantly with physical activity, thus amounting to at least 3 liters. Water and other unwell and poorly in calories are to be favored.

Sugar drinks and alcohol should be avoided as much as possible in a healthy food scheme.

Advice n ° 9: respectful preparation

Preparation also plays a crucial role in a healthy diet. Most nutrients are sensitive to heat.

Food must therefore be cooked briefly and at low temperature in little fat and water. The nutrients are thus preserved, the harmful compounds are avoided and the taste remains natural.

Advice n ° 10: Take your time and enjoy

A healthy diet involves taking the time to eat. Taking your meals on speed, or at any time, often encourages food. Indeed, the satiety process is only triggered after a few minutes. This is why it is better to take a little more time to eat, chew well, and taste.

Food program for healthy food

Whatever your goal, nutrition is always individual. A ready-made nutritional program that does not integrate into your daily life will not satisfy you in the long term.

Recipes eat well

A healthy diet rhymes with the preparation of healthy and balanced meals! you can be sure to cook something healthy easily and quickly. You will find a large number of recipes made by our team of specialists, which will allow you to easily follow your long-term diet!

Yoghourt with fruits

One of our favorite recipes for breakfast or snack! This gourmet yogurt is perfect for filling in vitamins and protein.

Green Gazpacho

Were you told that the smoothies are perfect to be sure to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day? Well, Gaspacho is the salt alternative! Ideal for summer evenings, easy to prepare, and rich in vitamins, protein, and fiber!

Soft stuffed potatoes

Add your favorite vegetables to soft roasted potatoes! Hyper easy to make and yet original, this recipe perfectly combines complex protein and good fat carbohydrates.
