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Here are the benefits of a spirulina cure on your health!


 Spirulina, microscopic algae of green color, grows in lakes and ponds. In equal quantity, it contains thirty times more protein than soy. Small, but muscular!

Thus, its nutritional qualities push some people to consume it in the form of food supplements, glitter, or powder.

Rich in essential fatty acids, carotenoids, iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, and E, spirulina has many health benefits. We explain it to you.

Here are the benefits of a spirulina cure on your health!

Spirulina, many culinary virtues?

Spirulina can be consumed at the table, in the form of powder or glitter according to Isabelle Laurent, doctor of pharmacy. It is important to add it at the last moment, to prevent the alga from losing its virtues.

Thus consumed, spirulina makes it possible to complete the nutritional intake of a healthy and balanced diet.

If you are not used to it, the taste and smell of spirulina glitter can surprise and disgust your dish. Some prefer to drink it. Indeed, a drink rich in vitamin C can absorb iron contained in spirulina.

A useful alga for relieving osteoarthritis?

Through wear, knee cartilage can cause sharp pain. Spirulina turns out to be a very good anti-inflammatory, which relieves pain during and after an effort.

According to Sophie January, nutritionist and author of the Gentle Method to Eat Better, this is due: to "Phycocyanin, the blue pigment naturally present in the alga, its anti-inflammatory virtues help to relieve osteoarthritis".

As a rule, spirulina is ideal for people who need to be supplemented. These can be vegetarians who consume little meat, anemic people, or those in recovery from fragile immunity.

Spirulin: Are there dangers?

According to ANSES, "Apart from the risk of contamination, spirulina does not seem to present a health risk at low doses (up to several grams per day)".

Bacterial contamination can take place during harvesting, washing, storage, or packaging. It is then essential to remain vigilant about the origin of spirulina. However, these contaminations seem rare.

The consumption of the algae is not recommended for people with allergic terrain or with phenylketonuria, a hereditary genetic disease. For the rest, spirulina seems only to have advantages!
