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Difficult digestion: effective grandmother remedies


 Ballooning, the feeling of gravity in the belly, nausea... Difficult digestion, also called dyspepsia, is a very widespread evil. The management of the cause of these symptoms is the key to rapid healing. Nevertheless, some natural remedies are often very effective in overcoming these unpleasant ailments. Explanations.

Difficult digestion effective grandmother remedies

Difficult digestion: knowing how to recognize it

The impression of digesting difficulty called medically 'dyspepsia', is a very widespread evil.

There are many causes linked to poor digestion:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • the meal too generous or too fatty;
  • stress;
  • tobacco or alcohol consumption;
  • pregnancy ;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system (gastro-duodenal ulcer, MICI, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis, biliary lithiasis, any other involvement (like cancer) of an organ involved in digestion, etc.).

But when bad digestion finds no explanation, we are talking about 'functional dyspepsia'.

You will recognize difficult digestion by manifestation of the following signs:

  • the impression of being satisfied quickly during a meal;
  • The printing of an overflow belly after a normal meal;
  • Other signs such as bloating, flatulence, belching, abdominal pain, nausea (even vomiting), diarrhea, etc.

The treatment of difficult digestion requires the management of its cause if it exists. Natural remedies to relieve unpleasant digestive signs are effective and avoid the use of drugs that often have deleterious effects on health.


This advisory sheet is not intended to replace a medical consultation. If difficult digestion signs worsen or persist, consult a doctor.

An infusion to digest

There are many plants prepared in herbal tea which have the power to appease digestive disorders. We find in particular the lemon balm, the thym2, the verbena3, the fennel4, or the ginger5. In addition, absinthe, boldo, orthosiphon, rosemary, dandelion, harpagophyton, thistle-Marie, and turmeric would produce a beneficial effect on digestion indirectly by their effects on the liver (they stimulate bile production by the liver and promote its secretion in the intestine).


You will easily find these infusions in the trade, whether in the form of small sachets to infuse or dried herbs in bulk. Make sure the water is simmering at Bouillante when infusing. Leave to infuse for 5 to 6 minutes. It is possible to add a little honey to give a gourmet note to this drink with therapeutic virtues. On the other hand, it is not recommended to add milk, often difficult to digest.

Food baking soda in the event of acid lifts

Food baking soda can help regain a digestive balance if it is difficult to digest after a meal or in the event of acid lifts. Certain studies even demonstrate that bicarbonates produced naturally by the mucosa of the digestive organs exert a protective action against the gastroduodenal ulcer6.


Just mix a teaspoon of food bicarbonate in a glass of water and drink it. It is possible to ingest up to 10 grams of food bicarbonate per day if necessary.

Contraindications of food bicarbonate

This treatment is not recommended for:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • people following a salt-free diet;
  • People with hypertension, blood pressure, stomach ulcer, heart or kidney failure, pulmonary edema, kidney disease, liver, respiratory acidosis or alkalosis metabolic;
  • pregnant women.

Vegetable charcoal absorbs undesirable substances

Did you know that vegetable charcoal was able to absorb its volume up to 100 times? This faculty allows it to retain liquids, gases, or even molecules on its surface. Once ingested, vegetable charcoal can purify and eliminate all unwanted substances in the liver, intestines, and kidneys. Unable to be metabolized by the body, it will simply be evacuated in feces.

The benefits brought by vegetable charcoal to the body are multiple:

  • detoxification of the body;
  • attenuation of digestive disorders;
  • stimulation of the digestion process;
  • Gas reduction (flat belly).
  • However, in the long run, vegetable charcoal can cause constipation.


You will easily find vegetable charcoal in the form of food supplements (in tablets or capsules) in the trade (para pharmacies, large areas, organic stores.). Coal can take itself occasionally after a hearty or doubtful meal or in a 7-day small cure to restore a good digestive balance. It is a product to always have with you. Respect the dosage.

Contraindications and special precautions

The use of oral vegetable charcoal is contraindicated for constipated people, suffering from gastro-duodenal ulcer, digestive hernia, or intestinal occlusion.
Taking vegetable charcoal is also not recommended in children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Finally, active vegetable charcoal, as an absorbent compound, can thwart the effects of drug treatments taken in parallel.

Peppermint essential oil against intestinal spasms
Peppermint essential oil is recognized for its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It relieves symptoms of irritable intestine syndrome, dyspepsia, and nausea.


Take 2 to 4 drops of essential oil diluted in a little vegetable oil or on a sugar, 3 times a day. Start with 2 drops to tame the strong mint flavor.

Contraindications of essential oils
In general, essential oils are strongly not recommended for children under 3 years of age, pregnant women, or those breastfeeding periods, as well as people with neurological disorders such as epilepsy.